
The beginning of this project was the concept of creation and the many stories of the beginning of everything that people tell each other.

From this came the simple question: what would an evening of theater that begins with the beginning of everything look like? Which roles would be distributed? Which characters do would you want to see there? Do you need a lump of clay? And above all, how would it all end?

But back to the beginning. Darkness becomes light, the divine breath is breathed in, and in the paradisiacal garden the first lovers find each other. They dare to take their first steps together as a couple, seek shelter from nature and, thank God, find an affordable apartment. Fate quickly pulls the young couple into the roller coaster of life. With each child, the centrifugal forces grow and threaten to tear the family apart.

FAMILIE FLÖZ expands its toolbox for this play and, in addition to the familiar mask figures, also shows the actors behind them. Whether playing music, singing, filming, speaking, or making noises, the ensemble creates the world of the masks before the eyes of the audience. They lend their bodies to the characters and take the fate of the masks into their own hands. Creator and creation meet until the story tells itself.

The title HOKUSPOKUS plays with the presumed origin of the word, a popular verbalization of the Latin 'Hoc est enim corpus meum' - "This is my body". Or it is just a sleight of hand after all. HOKUSPOKUS describes something about the theater as a box of wonders that we visit to celebrate the play of lies and truth.


Family Flöz lets the effect machine theater triumph. "Hokuspokus" is charming, quietly wise and infused with that kind of wit that only a few can do. 



The fabulous Familie Flöz tells life here in fast motion enigmatically and with a lot of wit in what is probably their most emotional production to date.


Hokuspokus è un dramma musicale, non ci sono parole ma un firmamento visivo-aurale nei 90 minuti di questa divagazione antropologico-sonora che contiene scintille di saggezza carica di affetti.

Il Manifesto, Italy

Ripping! Standing ovation for the Flöz family and their magnificent new work.


In Hokuspokus, everything is false, but nothing is fake. Nothing is more real than these masks. Familie Flöz gives life to a meta-theatrical delusion that is poetic and innovative, atavistic and experiential, physical and magical at the same time. An hymn to transformism, a fair of music, colours and costumes. A show that very well deserves the audience’s standing ovation.

F. Chiaro - Persinsala

March 2025
April 2025
May 2025

is a production by Familie Flöz, in co-production with Theaterhaus Stuttgart and Theater Duisburg.
supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds

Play devised by:  Fabian Baumgarten, Anna Kistel, Sarai O’Gara, Benjamin Reber, Hajo Schüler, Mats Süthoff und Michael Vogel
performed by:  Fabian Baumgarten, Anna Kistel, Sarai O’Gara, Benjamin Reber, Mats Süthoff und Michael Vogel
Direction, Masks: Hajo Schüler
Costumes: Mascha Schubert
Set Design: Felix Nolze (rotes pferd)
Music: Vasko Damjanov, Sarai O'Gara, Benjamin Reber
Drawings: Cosimo Miorelli
Assistance, mask making: Lei-Lei Bavoil
Assistance direction: Katrin Kats
Assistance Costumes: Marion Czyzykowski
Lighting, Video: Reinhard Hubert
Sound Design: Vasko Damjanov
Production management: Peter Brix
Administration Company: William Winter
Management Company: Gianni Bettucci